1 Year Support Period

In the notes to the order, indicate the serial number of the programmer and the month of the start of support.
Product SKU 2089
Sales price 3 300,00 ₽

At the end of the free support period, you can use all the old versions and modules as much as you like and without any restrictions, but new versions of the software will not work after the end of your support period. In other words, after your support period ends, you simply will not be able to use software updates. If necessary, you can always extend the support period by purchasing it for the period you need. Renewal of support occurs in the same way as activation of the module - you buy the support period you need from the specified date and upload the file using the "interface, extend support period" menu. The support period data is written to the programmer once and no further action is required.

Let's say your free support period ended in June 2023. You would like to extend support for one year and have chosen a support start date of August 2023 for one year. This means that you will be able to use all versions of the program dated from August 1, 2023 to August 1, 2024. If you try to run the version released in July 2023, then it will not work for you, because. does not fall within your selected support period.